Working on it... Working On It

Hurricane Preparedness

Protect Assets and Maintain Operations with Hurricane-ready Storage Solutions from Mobile Modular Portable Storage.

Hurricane Preparedness Podcast Summary

This podcast dives into hurricane preparedness for businesses, covering key strategies to protect assets, maintain operations, and recover quickly.

Hurricane Preparedness Planning

  • Reviewing insurance policies, including flood and business interruption coverage.
  • Documenting property conditions with pre-storm photos for insurance claims.
  • Creating a written emergency action plan that outlines responsibilities before, during, and after a storm.

Protecting Business Property & Inventory

  • Securing windows, doors, and rooftops with reinforcements.
  • Cleaning gutters and drains to prevent water damage.
  • Using portable storage containers to safeguard equipment, inventory, and important business documents.
  • Exploring shipping containers as storm shelters for added protection.

Post-Storm Recovery & Business Continuity

  • Ensuring businesses have cash reserves and fuel for vehicles/generators.
  • Implementing effective communication strategies with employees, suppliers, and customers.
  • Understanding that full recovery can take weeks or months and preparing accordingly with disaster relief storage solutions.

The episode highlights why proactive planning is crucial and provides practical steps businesses can take today to be hurricane-ready.

Additional Resources

Featured Containers

Frequently Asked Questions

How can businesses prepare storage units before a hurricane?

Businesses can prepare their storage units for hurricanes by securing lockboxes, anchoring containers to prevent movement, and elevating them in flood-prone areas to minimize water damage.

What features make a storage unit hurricane-resistant?

Hurricane-resistant storage units are built with durable steel construction, wind- and watertight doors, and reinforced security options to protect valuable equipment and materials.

How quickly can Mobile Modular Portable Storage provide emergency storage?

Mobile Modular Portable Storage offers fast delivery and setup for emergency storage solutions, helping businesses and disaster response teams prepare before or recover after hurricanes.

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