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April 16, 2019

Nine Avengers Who Inspire Us To Be Customer Superheroes!

Customer Superheros

If this Avengers: Endgame trailer is anything to go by, we know it’s going to be an epic pinnacle of all things Marvel.

For us, the Avengers are more than just superheroes. We draw inspiration from them as well as real-life heroes; because, we believe being a superhero is, more than anything else, an attitude.

Being a “superhero” at work means to “go above and beyond” - An attitude that gets noticed by our customers.

Here’s a look at some of our favorite Avengers and how they inspire us with that ‘superhero’ streak.

1. ‘Iron’ing Out Results in Style

Iron Man

“Building a good customer experience does not happen by accident. It happens by design.” - Clare Muscutt

This quote stands for all that Iron Man is. Tony Stark is a futurist, always thinking about how the events of today will affect tomorrow. He is practical, determined, an expert businessman and his most endearing trait is his sharp wit.

Smart enough to predict major events; Tony was able to anticipate the Civil War event years before it happened. Despite his misgivings about partnering with the government, he saw that the benefits of associating with the government far outweighed the consequences (albeit by playing cards close to his chest). His uncanny ability to improvise against all odds, like when he used a kid’s garage to get his suit functioning again in Iron Man 3, shows us that the real Iron Man is more than fancy tech and cool gadgets.

Iron Man inspires us because you have to plan ahead to accomplish goals and have contingencies in place to genuinely help those you serve.




2. The Hulk – Finishing Work like a Pro

The Hulk

For the most part, Dr. Bruce Banner lives an anguished life caught between the soft-spoken scientist he’s always been and the green fighting machine he turns into. Although the Hulk has been pursued by those who want to use his immense power for the wrong purposes, he never gives in.

Instead, Banner tries to tame the beast and tries all he can to keep the Hulk from being unleashed. Looks like he finally succeeded in his efforts! Despite provocation, the Hulk refused to show up in Avengers: Infinity War. This causes Banner to dip into his inner strength and convictions when he needed to fight Thanos’ army.

Of course, we all love The Hulk for his unintended comedy right from the beginning, like when he decides to put an end to Loki’s ‘I am a God’ monologue.

The Hulk inspires us because he never leaves a task unfinished, and totally dominates when he is done. Hulk Smash!

3. Black Widow – One Step Ahead

Black Widow

Natasha Romanoff exudes confidence and the ability to outwit the enemy with panache. She doesn’t let anything come in the way of a task and never breaks a sweat! For instance, Black Widow’s introduction in The Avengers where she is being interrogated by the Russians.

Natasha realizes that she has to go and by then she had exhausted the Russians’ usefulness anyway. So with a few deft moves, she takes all of them down without as much as a run in her stocking.

We do not face anything near what Black Widow endures in the Avengers franchise. But we love what Black Widow brings to the team – she thinks on her feet and is always one step ahead of things – that’s a winning quality. Customers love it when we identify problems before they occur, such as potential issues with where they plan to place containers.

4. ‘Thor’oughly Yours


Besides his godly powers, one of Thor’s outstanding qualities is his loyalty. Despite being betrayed by Loki, Thor is ready to forgive his adopted brother. He knows that Loki’s actions are a backlash to their childhood and he feels it is his responsibility to stop Loki. In addition, he cannot hate his brother.

In Thor: Ragnarok, Thor was willing to work with Loki to achieve a time-critical objective; the safety of Asgard. And if anyone ever thought this Avenger was just a Shakespeare-in-the-park idealist (looking at you, Iron Man) remember that it was Thor’s decisive leadership that saves the people of Asgard in the nick of time before the destruction of Asgard.

It takes a real superhero to know it is not about the things. It’s really about the people.

Thor’s loyalty is an amazing trait, fit for emulating in every walk of life, especially in the workplace.





5. Captain America – Integrity

Captain America

In the entire Avengers franchise, the one guy you can count on to stay true to his character is Captain America. He has a deep sense of integrity and a moral center that cannot be shaken. Just as often as he faces ethical dilemmas, he always tries to do the right thing even when doing so is immensely difficult.

And for all the fame he has won over the years, Steve Rogers is astonishingly modest. He never rests on his laurels. He's always generous in his praise of the team, while not thinking so much about his contributions.

These are the qualities that draw the Avengers to him, to follow his lead. The Captain inspires us at work – because unwavering integrity matters and leading is not about the limelight. Instead, it’s about letting our work speak for itself.






6. Hawkeye – Targeting What’s Important


The world’s sharpest marksman, Hawkeye has flawless accuracy and tactical prowess. And have you noticed how he picks his targets? He is a master strategist at work!

Another appealing quality of Hawkeye is that he never forgets his teammates. After destroying Ultron, Clint Barton returns home as promised and retires from the Avengers. The Bartons name their newborn son Nathaniel Pietro Barton after Black Widow, his closest ally, and in memory of Pietro (Quicksilver), who had taken all the bullets that Ultron had unleashed at Hawkeye, saving his life.

Hawkeye is customer satisfaction personified!







7. Quicksilver - Speed and Sacrifice


A tragedy in his early years left Pietro Maximoff seeking revenge against weapons manufacturer Tony Stark. Although he comes across as cocky and hotheaded, Pietro doesn’t want power for personal gain; he just wants to protect his war-torn people.

Quicksilver's pivotal moment comes when he sacrifices himself to save Hawkeye and a small child, embodying the ultimate selfless act. This profound demonstration of speed and sacrifice teaches us that even those who seem impulsive have moments of deep heroism and altruism.









8. Scarlet Witch – Resilience and Adaptability

Scarlet Witch

Wanda Maximoff, known as Scarlet Witch, is a powerful Avenger with telekinetic and telepathic abilities. Her resilience and adaptability shine through, especially after the loss of her brother Quicksilver. Wanda learns to harness her immense powers and becomes a formidable force against enemies like Thanos.

Wanda’s journey is a testament to overcoming adversity and finding strength in vulnerability. Her evolution from a grieving sister to a confident hero inspires us to embrace change and grow from our experiences.

9. Spider-Man – Responsibility and Innovation


Peter Parker, the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, epitomizes responsibility and innovation. Balancing his high school life with his superhero duties, Peter uses his scientific genius to create advanced web-shooters and suits. His dedication to protecting his city, despite personal challenges, showcases his unwavering sense of duty.

Image Credit – Marvel Studios

Spider-Man’s journey reminds us that with great power comes great responsibility. His creativity and problem-solving skills inspire us to think outside the box and approach challenges with ingenuity.








10. Doctor Strange – Wisdom and Strategy

Doctor Strange

Dr. Stephen Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme, exemplifies wisdom and strategic thinking. As a former neurosurgeon turned master of the mystic arts, he uses his intellect and magical abilities to protect the universe from threats. Doctor Strange's meticulous planning and foresight are key in pivotal battles like the fight against Dormammu and Thanos.

Doctor Strange teaches us the importance of knowledge and preparation in achieving success. His approach to challenges, combining logic with mysticism, inspires us to be strategic and well-informed in our endeavors.

11. Black Panther – Leadership and Legacy

Black Panther

T’Challa, the Black Panther, embodies leadership and legacy. As the king of Wakanda, he leads his nation with wisdom and strength, balancing tradition with progress. Black Panther’s commitment to his people and his vision for a better future drive his actions, both as a ruler and an Avenger.

Black Panther’s journey highlights the importance of legacy and the impact of our choices on future generations. His leadership style, marked by empathy and courage, inspires us to lead with integrity and purpose.

12. Ant-Man – Resilience and Resourcefulness


Scott Lang, known as Ant-Man, showcases resilience and resourcefulness. Despite his checkered past, Scott becomes a hero through his ability to shrink and grow in size, thanks to the advanced technology created by Hank Pym. His determination to prove himself and protect his loved ones drives his actions.

Ant-Man’s journey reminds us that our past does not define us. His ingenuity in using his unique abilities to solve problems and his unwavering dedication to his family inspire us to be resilient and resourceful in the face of adversity.

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